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Hoàng Long
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Hoàng Long

Là phần mềm tương tự iStat Menus giúp xem thông số hệ thống máy Mac được tích hợp vào DashBoard rất dễ cài đặt

 iStat Pro - quản lý các thông số của hệ thống Mac (giống iStat Menus) 1305469647

A highly configurable widget that lets you monitor every aspect of your system. It features 9 sections that monitor everything from cpu, memory and disk usage to which processes are using the most cpu. You have complete control over which sections you want to monitor and even the detail level in some cases.

- Sections: CPU, Memory, Disks, Network, Battery, Load & Uptime, Temperatures, Fans, Processes…. iStat pro can do it all. Don’t want to monitor them all? Simply disable the sections you don’t want from the back of the widget. 
- Drag and drop section reordering: Simply move the mouse over a section and a drag handle will appear. Click on it and drag the section to wherever you like then release the mouse. 
- Control what you see: From the display tab on the back of the widget you can choose which disks, network interfaces, temperature sensors and fans are displayed.



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