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Heroes of Might and Magic VI [Wineskin] Empty Heroes of Might and Magic VI [Wineskin] 17th September 2013, 9:17 pm

Heroes of Might and Magic VI [Wineskin] Mightandmagicheroes6ico
Heroes of Might and Magic VI [Wineskin]

Wrapper Type: Wineskin
Wine Version: Wineskin 2.5.3 Wine 1.3.35
Porter: nintendotoad

User's Extra Notes (Known Issues):

One of the screenshots double as ideal settings as tested on my Hackintosh with an NVIDIA 580 card. This for the most part fixes texture issues; however. upon reloading the map, you will probably need to change the vsync option (once or twice). I've so far had excellent frames per second and game play, except for the following minor issues. (Note that I have only tested the first map.)

1. Due to the games DRM, it is not possible to play this game online, even if you own a valid serial number. This is because the Ubisoft Game Launcher refuses to launch properly. The "/offline" command line option is already in the wrapper settings, and substitutes any ...... (PROPHET's ..... jumps over the launching of the Ubisoft Game Launcher, which is effectively what the "/offline" command line option does. SKiDROW's ........ does something damn retarded. I haven't checked RELOADED's.)

2. On occasion, especially during cutscenes, your horse will appear to be missing.

3. During battle, especially while you are the defender, certain fighters on your team will appear as black silhouettes.

4. As IGN has stated, the updates do not resolve every problem the game has/has had. (Read: not all in-game issues are due to a wine deficiency.)

5. You MUST have 512MB of VRAM in order to use this port. Although the game says, otherwise, due to a wine deficiency, 256MB appears as not enough (either that it doesn't report properly, I suck at debugging). This is resolved for those with 512MB+ of VRAM by using "winetricks videomemory=512".

ATI / AMD: GREY (not tested)
NVIDIA: GREEN (fully playable)
Intel GMA: GREY (not tested)
Intel HD: GREY (not tested)

Credits to nintendotoad

Heroes of Might and Magic VI [Wineskin] Downloadut



pass: mojado

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