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 Final Fantasy VIII (CXEx) (MacOSX) Empty Final Fantasy VIII (CXEx) (MacOSX) 14th April 2015, 4:24 pm

 Final Fantasy VIII (CXEx) (MacOSX) Final20fantasy20viii

- GMA : - GMA : GREY Untested 

Personal Notes: 
Never huge fan of this game, but I wanted to give it another chance. So I ported since Dev's port was taken down. 

The game's story focuses on a group of young mercenaries who are drawn into an international conflict, and seek to protect the world from a sorceress manipulating the war for her own purposes. The main protagonist is Squall Leonhart, a 17-year-old reclusive loner and student at the military academy Balamb Garden, who is training to become a "SeeD", a mercenary paid by the academy. 

Port Info: 
Port is with CXEx Ebony. Cd check is compromised I removed the opening EDIOS logo video - you can I left it in one of the folders if you wish to put it back in. 

I have included the following mods: 
- Updated GUI 
- New graphic avatars. 

Minimum System Requirements: 
- OS: Mac OS X 10.5.8 Leopard / Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard / Mac OS X 10.7 Lion 
- CPU: Intel Core Processor 
- RAM: 1024MB 
- Video: nVidia 8xxx Series or AMD 3xxx or 4xxx Series Video Card recommended 
- about 2.40 gigs of Hard Drive Space required 

Known Issues: 
- Occasional Graphic Glitches 

Credits to waves

 Final Fantasy VIII (CXEx) (MacOSX) 6o16res

1) Unrar
2) Mount the .dmg
3) Drag to your app folder
4) click and play.


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