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Rabbit Rescue for iPad 1.0 Empty Rabbit Rescue for iPad 1.0 7th April 2015, 9:20 pm

Rabbit Rescue for iPad 1.0

Rabbit Rescue for iPad 1.0 3854434530

Rescuing and helping the needy always instills in us a sense of contentment and satisfaction. Doesn't it?

Well if everyone out there agrees with me on these lines, then I am sure you will love this new game called “Rabbit Rescue”.
The main concept of this game is to rescue a stranded baby Rabbit safely to its mother. Sounds simple, apparently it’s not! In this game, the baby Rabbit is stranded on a pillar which rises up only when the “Rescue Blocks” are arranged on the other end. These Rescue Blocks are dropped when the Rabbit is made to pull the Pulley. Different shapes of Rescue Blocks will drop from the “Dropper”, you need to tap and rotate to arrange these Rescue Blocks in the order to form a tower.


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